BAT/BEP to reduce uPOPs releases from waste open burning in Lesotho

First National Workshop: Promotion of BAT/BEP to reduce uPOPs releases from waste open burning in Lesotho

Waste open burning seems to be a common malpractice in developing countries and Lesotho is no exception as observed in the updated NIP. The aim of the project is to enable the country to meet its obligations under the Stockholm Convention, amongst which reduction of uPOPs releases due to waste open burning is a priority. One of the activities of the project is to capacitate stakeholders and conduct their needs assessment in order to ensure its effective implementation. Therefore, the first National workshop on Promotion of BAT/BEP to reduce uPOPs releases from waste open burning in Lesotho was conducted on the 3rd September 2019.

Location: Maseru & Maputsoe
Keywords: "Education and awareness" " Stakeholder involvement"

Honourable Minister Chief Joang Molapo and Principal Secretary, Mr. Tieho 'Mamasiane of the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture on the occassion of the national workshop on promotion of BAT/BEP and to reduce uPOPs releases from waste open burning in Lesotho.

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