Environment Workshop for Textile Firms

Combating Waste Management Challenges

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture through the Department of Environment, organised an inception workshop for the project on promoting circular economy in the textile and garment sector through the sustainable management of chemicals and waste.

Location: Maseru, Lesotho
Keywords: "Stakeholder involvement" " Waste management framework" " Education and awareness"

The event was held on the 7th July 2021 in Maseru. The aim was to introduce the project to industrialists involved in the textile and garment sector. The objective of the project is to promote the concept of circular economy in the cotton, textile and garment sector of Lesotho, Madagascar and South Africa. This follows the principles of reuse, recycling and conversion of textile and related wastes into economically viable and socially beneficial products and services. This will contribute to the prevention/reduction of uncontrolled burning of such wastes, thereby preventing/reducing toxic gaseous emissions (dioxins and furans) as well as reducing waste taken to landfills.


In her opening remarks, Honourable Ntlhoi Motsamai, Minister of Tourism, Environment and Culture stressed the fact that waste has become a global problem of which Lesotho is no exception and appealed to the industrialists to work with the government in strengthening waste management strategies. She also brought to the attention of participants that the Ministry was also implementing other projects which are complementary to the textile and garment project.